Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Can you pick a lady for your man/husband to sleep with it

Ladies, we all HATE if our men cheat but recently i came across  a group of women and we got into this discussion because one of them shared a story with us.

She and her man decided to spice up their relationship by having a THREESOME,and idea which was initiated by her although they had toyed with the idea some years back. 

She loves being in control and decided to go on the adventure with her man. They went clubbing and hooked up with a hot sexy lady they both preferred; surprisingly she came up with the discussion and finally they all agreed to go to a hotel and have fun.

She explained that the experience was awesome and it made she and her man more closer and they have decided to practice it once a month, and she is in control of the situation.

I was shocked because surprisingly there were more women who supported her and agreed to it especially after a long time of marriage or relationship they said it was important to spice up once relationship however it will work.

Share your thoughts!!!!

1 comment:

  1. hmmm trio well i guess every couple has different reason and ways to make their relationship work although there might be a side effect.


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